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Christian Education &

                      Youth Ministries

The younger kids always enjoy the Childrens Message Time each week. They especially enjoy taking "The Bag" home to bring back next week with whatever they choose to place inside it. They like to see what pastor can say about each new item.

And of course there is nothing better than to hear stories, expecially about Christmas, as told by our Youth, here carrying on a dialoque about the birth of a baby in Bethlehem.

And a highlight for us all is our "Rally Around the Family" Day surrounding the beginning of a New Sunday School year. It brings a lot of kids because it brings a lot of excitment to the kids about the B.I.B.L.E., the Best Interactive Learning Experience, which was coined by our older Sunday School kids. 

We can't mention Christian Education in the same breath without mentioning the confirmation programing here at Bethesda. It happens during the Junior High years, and we will put 2 to 3 grades together to have enough kids so that they have more friends around them. Here we are enjoying canoeing and games at LOMC, the ELCA Outdoor ministry camp in Oregon, Il. 

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