Worship & Music Ministries at Bethesda
"Well done Worship has always been a number one focus for my ministry. Celebrating the Sacrament of Communion every Sunday gives anyone the opportunity to receive a reminder of God's Grace and Love for them, no matter when or how often they attend, including visitors and guests, family and friends. This was one of the greatest blessings ever to be able to share the bread and wine, "The Body and The Blood" of Jesus Christ with others. Supportive of worship is our Music ministry program. Martin Luther said that, "When we sing, we are praying to God twice!" and I will stand by that statement also. Thanks for visiting our website, now visit the real thing for a truly worshipful experience!
Committee members meet to prepare and plan all worship services.
Bible Study Groups
Another opportunity to 'worship' can be had every time we open our hearts to the scriptures. The Bible is an invaluable resource for diving deep into not only God's inspired Word, but it is meant to be read aloud. Luther believed this wholeheartedly. And here at Bethesda we try to incorporate the reading of scripture during Sunday worship services. and then following worship the Sunday School teachers read out of it, or the older ones take turns​ reading out loud.
WELCA (Women of Bethesda) has monthly Bible study and business meetings for planning events, activities, and ministry opportunities. These gatherings are held at the church, usually in the Chapel. All women are welcome!
Thursday morning Bible Study group that meets at 8:30 in the upstairs fellowship room (shown in image to left).
Music at Bethesda
We are so capably led by our Director of Music, Ms. Kathy Janicek, that sometimes we make it sound easier than it truly is. Kathy, and Connie our accompanist get a lot out of a few. But not only does the choir sing well, the entire congregation is always in great voice. They know how to pray loudly when singing!
During Kathy's time here at Bethesda in the community of Morrison, she also has conducted the Morrison Ecumenical Chorus in performances of Handel’s “Messiah” which is presented every other year. According to Kathy “The music that we make together at Bethesda is one of the great joys of my life. The singers are so dedicated and we have so much fun as we work to praise the Lord with our music. The choirs are really a family and we sing together in joy and love. It is a privilege to be here.”